Acupuncture is a powerful approach for controlling pain

Acupuncture is a highly effective form of pain and inflammation control. First, it causes the body to produce chemicals called endorphins, which naturally inhibit the perception of pain. Second, it blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain through the nervous system. Thirdly, it deactivates trigger points, which are highly reactive areas that develop within muscles over time.

The net effect is that acupuncture can provide significant relief from musculoskeletal pain. At our practice, we commonly see our fibromyalgia patients respond to treatment as part of an integrated plan, or when no other therapies have worked.

Individualized treatment plans are essential

A 2016 article published in Acupuncture in Medicine found that acupuncture was able to reduce pain in fibromyalgia patients by over 40% across nearly 18,000 patients with chronic pain, acupuncture was able to reduce pain by about 50%.

In fact, acupuncture has recently become one of the treatments now recommended as a first line of defense against pain in national guidelines for physicians.

Improving total body health to combat fatigue

Research has shown that acupuncture enhances blood flow throughout the entire body. When this occurs, the muscles become infused with oxygen and nutrients which helps boost energy levels and increase muscle strength. Additionally, acupuncture works by correcting global energy, or Qi, imbalances within your body. Through this optimization process, we’ve seen significant success combating chronic fatigue in our patients.

How our practice works

As with other diagnoses, you will be evaluated to determine the nature of your physical status according to Chinese Medicine. Several acupuncture points will be chosen for you specifically based on your evaluation. In addition, any other symptoms that you may be experiencing will be integrated into the diagnosis and treatment plan which will provide an excellent opportunity for your body to make corrections in all areas.


Schedule an Appointment

Let us bring our experience treating fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue to help you achieve your health goals.